Young asian person (Katie) smiling while looking upward in front of large mossy rocks

Hello! My name is Katie Taylor, and I’m currently a software development intern at SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics. I graduated from Western Washington University (WWU) in December 2023. I majored in Computer Science and minored in Linguistics, Spanish, German and Honors Interdisciplinary Studies. I also had the wonderful opportunity to study abroad multiple times: in Greece (2019) and in Germany (2022).

These days, I code mostly in JavaScript / TypeScript (mainly React.js) and of course HTML/CSS. I’ve also had a fair amount of previous experience in university with Java, Python and other programming languages.

I’m also fascinated by natural languages! I’ve taken several courses completely in Spanish,including a university-level linguistics course. I’m currently focusing on German, and I intend to move to a German-speaking country. In addition, I’ve dabbled with other languages like Mandarin, Korean, Modern Greek and French.

Outside of coding and learning languages, I love listening to music from around the world, reflecting on life through journaling and, most of all, partner dancing (I have varying experience with various dances, but mainly fusion, salsa and some swing).